With my DJing return still a little over a month away, I though it best to offer some updates on my latest writing project. It’s already the biggest thing I’ve attempted – by far, but progress is being made.
I’ve picked out 500 songs that have some claim to being influential on the musical styles that define the scene in which DJ Terminates Here has operated since 2008 (and EOL-Audio long before that). The genre remit can essentially be defined as “all the genres covered by Wave-Gotik-Treffen” – though the band doesn’t have to have played said festival to make it in. Expect all forms of industrial and goth, a decent dose of early and experimental electronics, a selected few metal and rock tracks, and more that a couple of surprises.
It’s important to note that this is NOT an academic study – my style is simply better suited to the lay reader and I wouldn’t enjoy writing it if I couldn’t indulge in some humour along the way. Whilst there was a semi-scientific method behind the selection of bands and songs, it’s far too complex to go into here – I’ll explain more in the book itself. In terms of drafting, I’m well past 100 songs at the moment. There’s still a lot of explanatory text to write in between the chapters, so I’ll call the first draft 20% done.
I’ll post updates at key stages – and at some point in the near future I might be asking for some assistance, specifically from those of you who have some knowledge of the more obscure subgenres. More on those later – for now, I’ve got a few hundred songs to cover!